Guide: High Performance Intake for Plaintiff Firms

I wrote a step-by-step guide for plaintiff firms to turn more leads into successful clients.

Below is a sneak peak:

Not converting as many leads as you'd like?
Wasting time on unqualified leads?
This is for you.

Top plaintiff firms use this method to generate $30M+ in revenue per year.

Firms use it to:
→ Respond to leads faster than their competition
→ Qualify new leads quickly
→ Convert qualified leads into clients quickly
→ Get a higher ROI out of their marketing investments

“It’s such a pain to stay on top of leads, respond quickly, and follow up enough in order to get to the good cases”

-You (Probably)

So I wrote out how to:

📍Separate case qualification from investigation
📍Define minimum criteria to sign client and investigate their case
📍Set up automated outreach
📍Build a follow up sequence that converts
📍Train and delegate intake to non senior staff
📍Define and measure your funnel performance

So why does this method work so well?

→ It frees up your senior staff to focus only on the best cases
→ It stops you from leaving money on the table
→ It forces clarity on what cases you want and which you don’t
→ It ensures you get the most ROI out of your marketing investments

If you don’t have a well executed process and well trained intake team, you'll lose a lot of great cases to your competitors and waste a lot of money on marketing.

So I wrote this guide below to help you generate more new business.